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How to manage student Admission Enquiry?

1. Search admission Enquiries

To search the admission enquiry, go to Front Office > Admission Enquiry.

Select the class for which you want information, simply click on Class and select, as well as the relevant details of sourceinquiry from dateinquiry to date, and status, then click on the search button, and the admissions inquiry list will be displayed in the section below.

2. Add admission enquiry

To add student admission enquiry, go to Front Office > Admission Enquiry click on Add icon present at right side in admission enquiry.

Here enter Name, Phone, EmailAddressDescriptionNoteDateNext Follow Up Date, Assigned Reference, select Class and Number Of Child and then click on Save button.

3. View Enquiry

To view enquiry, select ClassSourceEnquiry From DateEnquiry To Date and Status and then click on Search button. The list of enquiry will be shown in the below of the page.

4. Follow existing enquiry

To follow existing enquiry click on Follow Up Admission Enquiry icon present at Action column in the admission enquiry, at click of this icon modal will be open.

Here select Follow up DateNext Follow up Date and person Response, Note and then click on Save button. Here you can see summary of this enquiry and you can also change status of this enquiry from Status.

5. Edit admission enquiry

To Edit the admission enquiry, simply click on the Edit icon, showing in Action column, edit module of admission enquiry will be open.

Then update the details and click on Save button, admission enquiry will be update successfully.

6. Delete admission enquiry

To Delete admission enquiry, simply click on the Delete icon showing in Action column, confirmation model will be open then click on OK button, admission enquiry will be deleted successfully.

Updated on June 20, 2024

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