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Inventory Management

Inventory Management

  • How to manage Purchases?

    Login as Admin or Accountant Select Purchases from Inventory submenu Here, you can add/edit/delete Purchases Adding a Purchase Click on Add Purchase button...
  • How to manage Income Head?

    Go to Income > Income head, Here you can add/edit/delete Income Head To add income head enter Income Head Name...
  • How to Search Income?

    Go to Income > Search Income Then select  Search Type and click on Search button. You can also search the record by...
  • How to manage Income?

    Go to Income > Add Income, Here you can add/edit/delete Income Here select Income Head and enter Name, Invoice Number, Date, Amount, Attach Document, Description and...
  • How to Check Income Report?

    Go to Report > Finance > Income Report, now select the Search Type and click on Search button. The list of searched records will...