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  • How to Create Exam?

    Login as Admin Select Exams from Examination submenu Then click Add Exam button   Fill the fields and click on Add...
  • How to Create Exam schedule ?

    Login as Admin Select Exam Schedules from Examination submenu Then click Add Exam Schedule button   Fill all the fields and...
  • How to manage Exam Attendances?

    Login as Admin or Teacher Select Examination from the left sidebar Then select Exam Attendances Click Add Attendance button Select Exam, Class, Section,...
  • How to create Grades?

    Login as Admin or Principal Select Grades from Examination submenu Then click Add Grades button Fill the fields and click on Add button  
  • How to manage Marks Grades?

    Go to Examination > Marks Grade To Add Marks Grade then fill the details and then click on Save button. You can view this...