1. Offline Bank Payment in Student Panel
2. Offline Bank Payment Instruction
When you keeps the above Offline Bank Payment In Student Panel permission enabled
You can give the Instruction as offline modes of payment are cash, DD, Online and Cheques then click on Save button so that it will appear in Offline Bank Payment.
3. Lock Student Panel If Fees Remaining
Here you can Disabled or Enabled the Lock Student Panel If Fees Remaining.
when you disable the lock student panel if fees remaining so student profile will not be disable and student can access their panel.
When “Lock Student Panel If Fees Remain” is enabled, Fees Payment Grace Period Days tab will be appear in below, here fill the grace period for fees payment.
If you do not submit the fees during the grace period, the student or parent’s profile will be disabled once the grace period is over. Only the fees page will be accessible when the student panel is opened.
4. Print Fee Receipt For
In the ‘Print Fees Receipt‘ section, you can find options to print the Office Copy, Student Copy, and Bank Copy.
Using these options, you can manage the printing of fees receipts based on the permissions granted by the superadmin.
5. Carry Forward Fees Due Days
To set Carry Forward Fees Due Days, the number of days which you enter here due date will be exceed from current date.
Simply fill the days in box and click on the save button.
6. Single Page Fees Print
When you keep single-page fees printing disabled, you will get separate print receipts for office copy, student copy, and bank copy.
If you keep single-page fees printing enabled, you will get a single-page print of office copy, student copy, and bank copy.
7. Collect Fees In Back Date
Click on Disabled or Enabled to manage the fees collection of back date and click on Save button.
You will be unable to collect students’ back date fees if you keep the option to collect fees for back dates disabled.
You will be able to collect students’ back date fees if you keep the option to collect fees for back dates enabled.